

We offer several programs tailored for where your child’s educational journey is currently at*. These include:

  • School-readiness

  • Individual tutoring/mentoring

  • Early intervention programs

  • Offers pre-kindy school readiness assessment and support

    Concerned whether your child is ready for school? Being ready is more than just knowing

    their ABCs and being able to count. Emotional regulation skills and social skills are vital for

    school success. How prepared is your child?

  • Is your child requiring extra support to consolidate basic learning skills? Learning how we

    learn is important. Finding what your child’s learning style is will help them become confident


    We offer support and tutoring in literacy and numeracy. Support parents in understanding

    Australian Curriculum expectations and ways to best support each individual student.

  • Has your child received a diagnosis of a disability? We are here to help you navigate all the

    information and help you plan early intervention to best support your child.

  • For kindergarten and early childhood centres staff

    For more see ‘School Trainings’

*Offered both in-person and online (Coviu)


Social & Emotional

